The Oak School PTA allocates over $200,000 each year to the Starting Arts Program, Living Classroom, Project Cornerstone, Library, Student Assemblies, Recess play equipment, and so much more.  Your generous donations are critical to maintain these programs and offerings. Any amount or item that you give will directly benefit our children!

Examples of auction items that have been donated in the past:

  • Sporting, theater, event ticketse.g., Sharks, Giants, 49ers, Wicked, SF Opera
  • Talents and servicese.g., interior design, photography, personal trainers, baking and cooking
  • Vacation home rentals, e.g., Tahoe, Carmel, Monterey
  • Electronicse.g., iPad, iPod, Kindle, flat screen TV
  • Wine, see Wine Donation page
  • Indulgencese.g., spa packages, wine tours, shopping excursions
  • Parent-hosted Partiese.g., Martini party, chef dinners, cooking classes, Father/Daughter dance

Thank you for your generous donations!

The Great Gatsby 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
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