Oak Avenue Elementary Social & Annual Auction:
A Night in Venezia!

Friday, March 26th, 2010

7:00pm to Midnight

Welcome to the Oak School Social and Auction site!  This year's auction will be held at Campo di Bocce in Los Gatos at 565 University Ave. in Los Gatos.  There will be great food, good friends, bocce ball and fundraising for critical school programs.  Over 75 items will be up for bid including weekend get-aways, fun family outings and kid-oriented activities.  You won't want to miss this fun event!

The Social and Auction is Oak School's biggest fundraiser.  Your generous donations will help to fund critical programs totaling over $100K at Oak School such as the Starting Arts Program (K-3), remodeling our multi-purpose room and other programs to help the district meet their budget shortfalls.  Please help keep these programs active and thriving at Oak!

If you have any questions regarding the Social and Auction, please contact Anne Hecht hecht.anne@gmail.com or Pam Prahm kpprahm@comcast.net .

Thank you for your interest in and contribution to the Oak School Social and Auction!

Please Visit our Sponsors